Depository: 03
The Sweeper, Cuba. Photo: Mark Promax Camera: Konica T3 / Film: Ektar 100
We're back with another round of Depository, our ongoing photo feature where we ask our global creative community to hustle together their favourite frames for exhibition. This week we've secured fire submissions from Cuba, San Francisco, New York, Moscow, Spain and Melbourne. As always, we're grateful to everyone who submits frames for feature – so keep them coming in!
We want you to join the Hung Supply Photo Community – are you down? To get involved, the rules are simple. Email or tag us in an original photo. Give us the lowdown on your frame - the who, what, when, where, why, and all that jazz. Take stock of the camera and film used to capture your masterpiece. Get featured.
Each week(ish) we'll showcase the chosen frames from our community submissions. Every now and then, we'll set a photo challenge and ask our global creative community to submit a photo with a certain 'theme'. The best submissions will win Hung product, film, a prize ribbon, honour, eternal glory, etc.
Stay tuned for the announcement of our first community photo challenge (coming real soon) and subscribe to our email list to keep in the loop. To submit a photo to Depository, email or tag us in your photos on IG and hashtag #hungsupply.
For now, sink into our Depository 03 submissions. In no particular order...
Photo: Ryley Remedios
IG: @ryleyremedios
Camera: Contax G1
Film: Kodak Portra 400
Location: Valencia, Spain
An empty basketball court on a Saturday in Spain. The weather was perfect and the colours were striking. I stood in the middle, looking up at the surrounding apartment buildings wondering why no one was enjoying the afternoon outdoors. - Ryley
Photo: Tamas Keefer
IG: @tamas_keefer
Camera: Canon 6D with Canon 8-15mm fisheye
Location: Burleigh Waters, Queensland
Riley (Pavey) and I shot this photo back in March of 2020. From memory it was Riley’s idea to skate the BMX track. He took my cruiser that was lodged deep within the boot of my car and started trying. Even rolling down the bank on that thing was sketchy. The fact that he was able to get enough speed to clear this still baffles me to this day. - Tamas
Photo: Paigge Warton
IG: @paigge
Camera: Canon EOS-3
Film: Kodak Portra 400
Location: San Francisco
Smoke Shop, Discount Cigarettes. The outskirts of Chinatown, San Francisco. - Paigge
Photo: Will Vallender
IG: @uncertain___
Camera: Nikon F3
Film: Ilford HP5 Plus
Location: Sydney
Streets is watching. The Sydney CBD shot on my trusty Nikon F3 with Ilford HP5 Plus pushed two stops. - Will
Photo: LJ James
IG: @lincoln_james
Camera: Canon 5D Mark II
Location: Byron Bay
Gasoline Dreams. Three Stacks thinking deeply about shallow shit. André 3000 of Outkast headlining Splendour in the Grass. - LJ

Photo: Maria Thi Thu Thao Nguyen
IG: @marias_street_clicks / @mariaincorp
Camera: Olympus OZ120
Film: Fujifilm Superia X-Tra 400
Location: Melbourne
Frame 01 - "Not another laundromat on film". Frame 02 "Solitaire priority seating whilst contemplating life" - Maria
Photo: Mark Promax
IG: @konicapromax
Camera: Konica Half Frame
Film: Kodak Ektar 100
Location: New York City
NYC Crash shot on my Konica Half Frame with 40mm pancake lens - Mark
Photo: Ivan Florence
IG: @ivan_florence
Camera: Olympus OM 10
Film: Ilford Delta 400
Location: Moscow
Mirage. The mirror of Eugeny Sharendoh. Trybnaya Street, Moscow. - Ivan
We want to see your photos! To submit a photo to Depository, email or tag us in your photos on IG and hashtag #hungsupply. Join our community and subscribe to the Newsletter below – we'll keep you up to date with all Hung Supply features, editorial and competitions. You will also get an exclusive discount off your first purchase.