Hung Supply® is an independent camera carry and accessories label based in Sydney, Australia. We specialise in sling goods and lifestyle bags for your daily camera essentials, so you can roll everywhere and shoot with ease.
Hung Supply® is motivated by the intersections of cities, people and sub-cultures and exists to influence creative output within these spaces.
Whether you're shooting film, street, gigs, or skate, we equip you with the necessary gear to go forth and capture original moments in your day-to-day, with no excess baggage.

An idea born via a sketch on a piece of paper at the kitchen bench that has kept me up countless nights since.
Working as a photographer and Content Manager at Monster Children, some of my happiest moments with photography were connecting with other creatives and showcasing their incredible work and talents via projects and editorial. Inspired by the people within my creative community, I set out to create a camera bag brand that my friends would use, whether shooting film, street, live-music or skate. Having no idea where to start, I threw myself in the deep end, working late nights, long weekends, extra jobs and every spare moment to bootstrap this crazy notion.
So far, it's been one of my most challenging yet rewarding experiences to date...

Even though we’re the new kids on the block, we're extremely proud of what we've achieved in such a short amount of time. We launched Hung Supply from our apartment in December 2021. Just over one year on, we're now stocked in multiple countries and ship camera bags worldwide.
We are so humbled with the level of love and support we’ve received thus far. MASSIVE shout out to everyone who has purchased, shared photos, submitted features, messaged, tagged, or has just been hyped on our inception. We wouldn't be doing this shit without you. Thank you!
We're just getting started...
Big love,
Linc & Nat